RAD Self-Defense for Women
What does R.A.D. stand for?
Rape – Aggression – Defense Systems
What does R.A.D. mean?
“Defense against abduction”
What does R.A.D do?
R.A.D. empowers women through self-defense.
Rape Aggression Defense, known as R.A.D., is a self-defense program designed specifically for women. The R.A.D. approach to personal safety begins with awareness, prevention, risk reduction and risk avoidance, and progresses to hands-on physical defense techniques.
Participants in the program will learn a wide range of tactics, including verbal techniques, ground defense options, escaping from bear hugs and choke holds, and many more. The practical techniques are designed to maximize the strengths of a woman’s body and build upon existing instinctive responses to provide women with effective self-defense options. In R.A.D., women will have the opportunity for hands-on dynamic impact practice and realistic simulation exercises.
The R.A.D. program is taught by nationally certified instructors who are dedicated to the growth and well-being of the women in our community. The course is suitable for women of all ages and abilities.
R.A.D. is the only existing program with a free lifetime return and practice policy, honored worldwide.
R.A.D. has developed specialized simulation techniques and equipment for use by certified R.A.D. Instructors.
R.A.D. is the only self-defense program ever endorsed by the International Association of Campus Law Enforcement Administrators (IACLEA), National Academy of Defense Education, the National Self-Defense Institute (NSDI) and Redman Training Gear.